What you need to know about the link between sleep quality, heart disease and premature death.
How Much Sleep Is Enough?
Eight hours good, six hours bad? It’s not just down to numbers, says Dr Norman Swan
Bruxism, or teeth grinding, can cause a number of physical and mental health issues. Changing certain habits may help you stop it
What is Sleep Apnea?
Distinguishing between snoring and sleep apnea is essential to getting the right treatment
Sleep Apnea Treatments – Dr. Norman Swan
Treat your sleep apnea by following these simple advice from Dr. Norman Swan. Proper diagnosis is key to getting the right treatment.
Sleep Diaries – How Important are they?
This article explores the benefits of keeping a sleep diary. Sleep diary’s help ensure your habits and environment is conducive to a good nights rest.
Bedtime Issues – Seriousness and Solutions
In this article we discuss some of the main bedtime issues faced by many children. Which ones are serious and which ones will disappear with age.
A Good Night’s Sleep – Helpful Advice for Parents
This articles discusses strategies and bed time routine to help your child, and yourself, get a good nights sleep. This is also referred to as sleep hygiene.
How much Sleep do Children aged 5-11 Years Need?
How much sleep do children need? The amount of information can leave most of us overwhelmed. In this series of articles about sleep and children and teens we simply and explain the subject of sleep.
Improving Your Sleep – Dr. Norman Swan
Dr. Norman Swan discusses some of the considerations of getting a good nights sleep and what could be stopping you from having a good nights sleep