Dr. Norman Swan explains the benefits and concerns of going to bed hungry and why children should not be sent to bed hungry for a good nights sleep.
What are Bed Bugs? Dr. Norman Swan
In this brief video, Dr. Norman Swan explains what bed bugs are and the difficulty they preset to those that experience them.
Harness Your Energy Levels
Leaders and employees who harness their energy are the biggest drivers of success and growth in their industry....
I’m struggling after a breakup
Struggling after a breakup? Dr Matt Cullen outlines how can you help yourself in the period after a breakup.
Is sleep apnea linked to depression and anxiety?
People diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea may be more likely to develop depression and anxiety.
Why is lack of sleep linked to dementia?
The link between sleep and dementia is two-way. Dementia certainly affects sleep, but can sleep itself cause dementia?
Consistent sleep helps to boost grades
Having a good night’s sleep the night before an exam doesn’t predict success, but if you rest consistently in the weeks or months beforehand, you may do better.
Does lack of sleep affect your immune system?
There are some causes of ill-health which affect your sleep and some causes of ill-health affect your immune system. So getting cause and effect between sleep and immunity is a really hard thing to do.
Could cognitive behavioural therapy helps to treat insomnia?
The costs of insomnia to productivity and the economy are high, so a short program with a good success rate for improving sleep in insomniacs would be welcome news.
How a lack of sleep hurts the heart
If you sleep for fewer than six hours a night, you’re putting yourself at higher risk of having a heart attack.