Australian scientists are working on an immunity test for COVID-19 that could predict how severe a person’s symptoms might be.
COVID-19 survivors’ blood plasma may help critically ill
Critically ill patients with COVID-19 have shown improvement after transfusion of plasma from survivors of the disease.
Are kids immune to coronavirus?
Children are not immune to coronavirus, but they do seem less susceptible to its effects.
Is my newborn safe?
Dr Norman Swan explains the risks of COVID-19 to your newborn.
Video: Flu awareness
This year by March there have been 6 times more cases of flu than at the same time last year. So how can you protect yourself and what should you do if you get flu?
Video: Measles – global outbreak
It’s predicted Australia may have 300 infections of measles in 2019, but endemic measles was eliminated in 2014. So why the increase in measles infections now?
Paracetamol for children
The correct dose of paracetamol for a child depends on their weight. Find out about using paracetamol in kids.
Video: Dietary clues to a healthy microbiome
The greater diversity of plant foods a person eats each week, the greater the diversity of their gut bacteria.
In children rubella symptoms include a rash that generally appears on the face and scalp first and spreads to the body and arms the same day.
Video: Exercise benefits gut bugs
Exercise can be an important factor in changing the microbial population of the gut (known as the gut microbiome) for the better, research has shown.