Liver disease doesn’t usually cause any symptoms until the damage to the liver is fairly advanced. Here are 9 signs your liver may be struggling.
Gastrointestinal Health
Effects and health risks of obesity
Obesity can cause a variety of health complications ranging from physical to emotional
Why is liver cancer on the rise in Australia?
Read about the rise in liver cancer possibly due to climate-induced growth of carcinogenic fungus.
Celiac Disease
Celiac disease can cause painful abdominal and gastrointestinal issues. Eating gluten free food can stop this from occurring
Living with Cystic Fibrosis
Living with Cystic Fibrosis can be very difficult. However you can improve your quality of life through medication, diet and exercise.
Carcinoid Syndrome
Carcinoid Syndrome symptoms include stomach cramps and diarrhoea. Talk to your doctor for treatment options
Infantile Colic
Infantile colic is diagnosed by ruling out other possibilities for why you baby is crying a lot. This article explains how to deal with it.
Fatty liver
Fatty liver is a condition most commonly found in heavy drinkers or people who are obese or have diabetes. There are usually no symptoms.
Appendicitis – Dr. Norman Swan
What are the symptoms of appendicitis and what is the reason for it? This short video answers the basic questions.
Pinworms in Young Children – Dr. Norman Swan
Dr. Norman Swan provides quick advise on how to check for pinworms in your child and where to get assistance to treat it.