Dr Norman Swan discusses the likelihood that Covid-19 mutates and how we will need to have top up immunisations each year to cope with new variants.
What Do You Say to Anti-Vaxxers? Dr Norman Swan
Dr Normal Swan discusses the difference between anti-vaxxers and those who are merely hesitant to get vaccinated. The former appear to have a belief system not inline with scientific evidence while the latter are simply people who have educated, intelligent questions they want answered before getting a vaccination. He also covers some of the common questions asked by the latter.
What Vaccines Did Australia Choose for the Treatment of Coronavirus? Dr Norman Swan
In this video Dr Normal Swan explains the various vaccine under production, how they work and which one Australia will most likely choose and why.
Will We Need The Covid-19 Vaccine Yearly? Dr Norman Swan
Dr Norman Swan explores the likelihood and unlikelihood of needing annual vaccination against Corona Virus.
Australia’s vaccines for COVID-19
Australia has signed supply agreements for several COVID-19 vaccines when they are available. Which vaccines does Australia have an agreement for? How promising are they?
New pneumococcal vaccine changes
On 1 July 2020, there were changes to the National Immunisation Program (NIP) which affect pneumococcal, meningococcal and hepatitis A vaccination. Are you across these changes? Learn more.
Video: Vaccines for coronavirus
What’s the latest on vaccines against coronavirus? Dr Norman Swan gives an update on how close we are to getting a vaccine.
How is gut health linked to immunity?
Gut health is linked to immunity in a variety of ways – one way is that the microbiome (the trillions of microorganisms that live in our gut) trains our immune system.
Does lack of sleep affect your immune system?
There are some causes of ill-health which affect your sleep and some causes of ill-health affect your immune system. So getting cause and effect between sleep and immunity is a really hard thing to do.
HPV vaccine a success
Thanks to Australian innovation and comprehensive immunisation programs, we could be well on our way to eradicating cervical cancer.