Brochures | South Australia, Tasmania, Northern Territory
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Brochures on display in South Australia, Tasmania, & the Northern Territory
MindShift – To A Better Place
Are you doubting your self-worth? Still feeling isolated? YOU ARE NOT ALONE Take the first step… Talk to your Doctor or Mental Health Care professional.They understand and want to help you. We’re here to help… Mental health issues already affect 1 in 5 Australians....
Dementia Australia – Have you trained your brain today?
Get a brain workout now Are you concerned about changes in your thinking? Games and challenges on Dementia Australia’sBrainTrack app will give you data you can sharewith your GP. BrainTrack is a free app that helps you monitor and understand changes in cognition...
Pink Elephant – Early Pregnancy Loss Support
We are here for you Peer Support Chat online or over the phone with a trained peer support companion. Online Communities Connect with other people who understand what you're going through. Online Resources Guiding you through different parts of your journey as well...
Amaze – National Autism Helpline
Autism ConnectCall 1300 308 699Free and independent autism information you can trust. Free, expert autism information and advice Autism Connect supports autistic people, their families and carers, health professionals, researchers, teachers, employers and the...
ARAS – Your Home Care Check-in service
Helping you stay safe and well at home Who we are The Home Care Check-in team is part of a national network of aged care Advocates. A home care check-in Advocate listens carefully to what you say They can support you to make the changes you need Their focus...
Novartis: Think 3 at 3 Months
Think 3 at 3 Months, Check for 3 Movements, By 3 Months of Age All babies develop at different rates, so there may be nothing to worry about. However, if you feel something isn’t quite right with your baby’s movements, it’s important to discussany concerns with...
Star Ratings for Aged Care Homes
Compare the quality of aged care homes with Star Ratings All aged care homes receive an Overall Star Rating and a rating across four sub-categories. Overall Star Rating Residents Experience Compliance Staffing Quality Measures A sample of 10 per cent of residents...
SAHMRI:Omega-3 screening to help prevent premature births
Information for families What is omega-3 and why is it important for your pregnancy? Omega-3 fats are nutrients commonly found in fish and algae. Enough omega-3 in your body during pregnancy can help you have a full-term pregnancy. Babies born too soon (premature),...
GI Cancer Institute: Is your pancreas trying to get your attention?
Symptoms of pancreatic cancer often go undiagnosed in the early stages of the disease. That’s why it’s important to pay attention to your pancreas and check for symptoms. Symptoms can include: Loss of appetite and weight loss Upper abdominal pain or back pain...
When someone you care about has a problem with eating, weight, shape, or body image. Providing lived experience support, education and advocacy to families and carers impacted by an eating disorder. What is an Eating Disorder? An eating disorder is a serious mental...