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Dementia Australia – Have you trained your brain today?

Get a brain workout now

Are you concerned about changes in your thinking?

Games and challenges on Dementia Australia’s
BrainTrack app will give you data you can share
with your GP.

BrainTrack is a free app that helps you monitor and understand changes in cognition over time, which you can
use to start a conversation with your GP. The app will help you explore this common concern, providing brain health
information through fun, travel-themed games that test your cognition.

Users are prompted to log in monthly, play the games and receive data on their cognition. The data is given to you as a report that can be shared with your GP, to initiate formal cognitive assessment.

Your memory, mood and thinking

Our memory, mood and thinking change all the time. Some days we’re sharp and cheerful, others we
can be forgetful or have ‘brain fog’. That’s normal for everyone.

Mental exercises, like trying new puzzles, can help build and strengthen connections in the brain. This helps to
give the brain more ‘reserve’ or ‘back up’ so that it can cope better and keep working properly.

Train your brain today with the puzzles provided to ensure that you get in a healthy brain workout.

If you have concerns about changes in yourself, or in a family member or friend, complete our checklist found
through the QR code below. It isn’t a medical test, just a way to help you decide what to do next.

Anagram Square

Rearrange the letters in each row to form a word. Write your answers into the blank grid. The first letter from each word,
reading down, will spell the mystery keyword.

Hexagon Word

Use the clues to fill in the spaces in the numbered hexagons. Each answer runs clockwise but can start anywhere in the shape. Where hexagons touch, they have the same letter. We’ve given you the first answer. The letters in the middle hexagon reveal a mystery keyword.


Each square in the puzzle may contain either 0 or 1.

  1. No more than two adjacent squares may contain the same digit, i.e. you cannot have three adjacent squares in a row or column of the same digit.
  2. Each row and each column must contain the same number of 0s and 1s, e.g. for a 10×10 grid, each row and column will contain five 0s and five 1s.
  3. No row may be the same as another row and no column may be the same as another column. However, a row may be the same as a column.

Magic Squares


  1. Anagram Square
    Mystery keyword: POWER.
  2. Hexagon Word
    1.Cicada, 2. Custom, 3. Ponies, 4. Kisses, 5.Kiosks, 6. Choked.
    Mystery keyword: IMPISH.
  3. Binary
  1. Magic Squares
    1. Aphids, 2. Peanut, 3. Hassle, 4. Insole ,5.Dulled, 6. Steeds.

Lovatts has been proudly publishing Australia’s only Australian made & owned crossword and puzzle magazines for more than 45 years. To enjoy more of Lovatts’ brain-boosting online puzzles, visit www.LovattsPuzzles.com/online-puzzles.

Or view the full range of crossword and puzzle magazines at http://www.lovattspuzzles.com/magazines.

All puzzles in the Dementia Australia booklet have been generously supplied by Lovatts Crosswords & Puzzles.

The National Dementia Helpline

Phone: 1800 100 500

Do you have any concerns or would like to talk to a trusted advisor?

The National Dementia Helpline is a free telephone service that provides information and advice to:

  • People living with dementia
  • People concerned about changes to memory and thinking
  • People living with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)
  • Family, friends and carers of people living with dementia
  • People who work in health and aged care.

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