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ARAS – Your Home Care Check-in service

Helping you stay safe and well at home

Who we are

The Home Care Check-in team is part of a national network of aged care Advocates.

  •  A home care check-in Advocate listens carefully to what you say
  •  They can support you to make the changes you need
  •  Their focus is your mental health and physical wellbeing

Everyone has rights and these rights do not diminish with age.

Other services we provide

ARAS is funded by SA Health, Office for Ageing Well, Retirement Village Unit, to provide free information, advocacy support and education to residents of retirement villages. ARAS also delivers the Safeguards for Living a Positive Life program, funded by SA Health, Office for Ageing Well. You can learn more about this program on our website www.sa.agedrights.asn.au and searching “Safeguards for Ageing Well”.

Home Care Check-in is an additional service. Our goal is to improve your quality of life and to help you stay safe at home.

How we work with you

Our aim is for you to be connected to your community and to feel safe.

‘Connected’ and ‘safe’ means something different for everyone. We will work with you during our check-ins to:

  • understand what is important to you
  • provide suggestions about local supports that will help you to achieve your goals
  • help you to feel valued

Our goal is to increase your confidence in using aged care services, by focusing on your skills and strengths. Not every check-in needs to have an action. Sometimes it’s just good to know somebody will be checking in.

We recognise every person is different. Some people may feel one or two check-ins are enough. Others may need support over a longer period of time. Our team will work with you to suit your individual circumstances.


To talk to us about the Home Care
Check-in service please contact us:

Office hours Mon-Fri, 9am to 5pm
175 Fullarton Road Dulwich SA 5065

Tel (08) 8232 5377
Toll Free 1800 700 600
Fax (08) 8232 1794


TTY 13 36 77 SSR 1300 555 727
Translating and Interpreting Service
13 14 50

Aged Rights Advocacy Service acknowledges the traditional owners of our country and pays respect to Elders past, present and emerging. We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with their country. We support the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

This pilot project is funded by the Australian Government’s Department of Health and Aged Care.

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