Every Aboriginal person is at risk of heart disease, so it’s important to look out for the warning signs so we can help ourselves and help each other. Lots of Aboriginal people have died of heart attack because they didn’t even know they were having one.
Cardiovascular Health
Researchers analyse trials on Vitamin D and heart health
A huge analysis of vitamin D supplementation shows that taking Vitamin D supplements aren’t linked to reduced risk of heart attack and stroke.
Nuts that reduce high blood pressure
The research is in, eating walnuts as part of a diet low in saturated fat has been found to lower blood pressure in people at risk of heart disease.
Will dietary supplements increase your longevity?
After a major review of hundreds of clinical trials researchers have found that most dietary supplements offer little benefit in protecting us from heart disease or extending our lifespan.
Using bacteria to improve heart health
Supplementation with specific type of bacteria has been found to improve risk factors for cardiovascular disease and even slow the progression of pre-diabetes.
Blueberries good for heart health
Blue is the new black in the world of nutrition research, and this latest research into delicious blueberries adds more evidence for the health benefits they can offer.
Sitting now the new smoking
Sitting for long periods of time has negative health effects – but you can counteract them by getting in the recommended dose of moderate or vigorous exercise each week.
Eating blueberries to lower blood pressure
Blue is the new black when it comes to studying the health benefits of fruits like blueberries.
Gut microbiome research advances rapidly
Researchers can now more accurately predict a spike in blood glucose after a meal thanks to an algorithm and that’s good news diabetes research.
Could yoga be prescribed as a treatment for hypertension?
That’s what researchers sought to find out in a recent systematic review and found certain types of yoga can reduce blood pressure significantly.