This article provides links to HealthMatch for results of ongoing clinical trials and other articles explaining crohn’s disease.
Tests and Investigations
Inguinal Hernia – Symptoms and Causes
In this video Dr. Norman Swan discusses Inguinal Hernia and its causes and treatments.
What is a PET Scan? Q & A with Dr. Norman Swan
Dr. Norman Swan discusses the advantage of a PET scan over x-ray, CAT scan. He also discusses the circumstances in which a PET scan can help detect if a tumour in benign or active and cancerous.
How Do You Treat an Inguinal Hernia? Dr. Norman Swan
Dr. Norman Swan explains the surgical treatment of Inguinal hernia through tightening the canal walls or using mesh to reinforce it.
What Happens if a Hernia is Left Untreated?
In this short video, Dr. Norman Swan explains why a lot of hernias go unnoticed and go untreated. He explains the hernias that need treatment.
Was the Covid-19 Vaccine Rushed? Dr. Norman Swan
In this brief Dr. Norman Swan explains why the Covid-19 vaccine was not rushed by explaining the various testing phases that occured.
Does Smallpox Still Exist and What is It? Dr. Norman Swan
Dr. Norman Swan explains the origins and history of smallpox, it’s effects and more importantly how the successful vaccination was invented. It is the only infection to have been largely eliminated around the world.
What Are the Known Side Effects of This Vaccine?
Dr. Norman Swans discussing the safety level of the two Covid-19 vaccines and the minimal side effects documented so far.
How do you screen for lung cancer?
Screening for lung cancer has been a long and complex story, but we now know that using low dose CT scanning, which is a way of taking pictures of the chest, we can identify people who get lung cancer and reduce their risk of dying from lung cancer.
What are the tests for heart disease?
There are many tests doctors use to diagnose heart disease. Find out what they are.