Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a condition that can affect the prostate. As men hit their middle age, the prostate tends to enlarge.
Men’s Health
Video: Prostatitis – tests and diagnosis
What are the diagnostic tests you can expect if you have prostatitis?
Prostate cancer: surgery or radiotherapy?
Choosing between surgery or radiotherapy can be a very difficult decision for patients with localised prostate cancer.
Could a urine sample help screen HPV
A simple urine test, may be the future cancer screening test to detect Human Papilloma Virus HPV.
Giving men with prostate cancer choices
Men will choose different prostate cancer treatments when they’re fully informed of the options.
High testosterone linked to heart problems
From a study, it seems that men who had a high level of testosterone experienced higher rates of heart attack and a possible implication, testosterone replacement therapy.
Post-natal depression affects dads too
It’s not just women who experience depression during and after pregnancy. A new study finds that expectant dads can be equally affected.
Prostate cancer: support and self care
Cancer can cause physical and emotional strain. It’s important to try to look after your wellbeing as much as possible.
Testicular cancer
Testicular cancer usually starts as a painless lump or swelling in just one testicle. If diagnosed early it has a high cure rate.
Male menopause
Many men report symptoms in their 40s and 50s that may caused by ageing or declining testoterone. Find out about the symptoms and how to help.