10 Rules to Reduce Christmas Stress

by | Christmas, Healthy Living, Mental Health, Seasonal Health, Wellness

christmas stress mental health

The festive season is a time for enjoying each others company, exchanging gifts, having a few laughs and making memories. 

Unfortunately, this season can also be the most stressful for a number of reasons. By following our “10 Rules to Reduce Stress” you maybe able to beat the season stress.

You may think “Hmm, yeah right this is really gonna help me” but we encourage you to stick with it anyway. Try to place a copy on your bathroom mirror, so you read it first thing in the morning whilst getting ready, or a copy on the board in the kitchen.

After a short while we hope you begin to realise this list will actually help make it easy for you to understand your feelings. This list is meant to remind you to think about yourself and how you feel.

Stress can affect us in a number of different ways. These include nausea, butterflies in our stomach, inability to have good sleep, weight-loss and clouded judgements. Quite often we only realise we are suffering from stress when something happens that we can’t control.

These are our “10 Rules to Reduce Stress”.  

  1. You will not be perfect nor even try
  2. You will not try to be all things to all people
  3. You will not do things that ought to be done
  4. You will not spread yourself too thin
  5. You will learn to say “NO”
  6. You will make time for yourself
  7. You will learn to switch on and off and do nothing regularly
  8. You will be boring, untidy and unattractive
  9. You will not feel guilty 
  10. 10.You will not be your own worst enemy

These rules are especially for you if you feel there aren’t enough hours in the day or you haven’t done lately something that you want to do or your future looks cloudy. 

If so, then these commandments are for you.

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