Oxycodone, also known as Endone, is a potent opioid medication commonly prescribed for pain but new Australian evidence shows it’s time to rethink its use for more effective pain management and greater patient safety.
What is so bad about codeine, anyway? Dr. Norman Swan
Dr. Norman Swan explains why codeine has been removed from pharmacies and why paracetamol and ibuprofen are better options as painkillers.
What is Fibromyalgia? Dr. Norman Swan
Fibromyalgia is explained by Dr. Norman Swan as a chronic pain syndrome caused by neurological rewiring after an injury. Even though the injury has healed and you’ve made a full recovery, the brain fails to realise this and continues to send pain signal. It’s a serious issue which requires full body therapeutic treatment.
What is hand, foot and mouth disease? Dr. Norman Swan
In this brief video, Dr. Norman Swan discusses the cause and treatment of hand, foot and mouth disease in children and adults.
What Are The Symptoms Of Arthritis? Dr. Jennifer Stevens
Dr. Jennifer Stevens discusses the the symptoms of arthritis and how to deal with the problems related to the disease.
How is Chronic Pain Managed? Dr. Jennifer Stevens
Dr. Jennifer Stevens discusses the treatment for chronic pain, and the effects chronic pain has on your everyday life.
What Is Acute Pain? Dr. Jennifer Stevens
Dr. Jennifer Stevens discusses acute pain and what they mean and how to heal and recover from them.
Is There a Need for a National Approach to Pain Management? Dr. Jennifer Stevens
Dr. Jennifer Stevens discusses the support and resources available for those with chronic pain and also the ongoing research and assistance into the area.
What happens If I have Osteoporosis? Dr. Jennifer Stevens
Dr. Jennifer Stevens the risks and self care needed to protect yourself against osteoporosis and what do to if you’ve had accidents.
How is Childhood Pain Managed? Dr. Jennifer Stevens
Dr. Jennifer Stevens discusses pain management amongst young children