The side effects of antidepressants depend on what type of medicine they are.
Elective Surgery
Is there treatment for postnatal depression?
In postnatal depression, the person or the mum who has it describes typical feelings of depression, low mood, no energy, tearfulness, guilty thoughts, often feelings of inadequacy, or inability to parent that child, lack of energy, and disorganisation.
Is there a link between caesareans and autism?
Researchers set out to determine if there are any links between caesarean delivery, neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders.
Should I continue with elective surgery?
Should people continue with elective surgery in the COVID-19 pandemic?
Dietary vitamins may protect against cataract
Get your citrus fruits, capsicum and carrots if you want to help reduce your risk of developing cataracts later in life.
Mobilisation in intensive care
Researchers investigated whether a goal-directed mobilisation intervention delivered to critically ill patients in the SICU improved mobility, reduced length of stay and increased functional independence, this is what they found.
Bacteria and breast cancer
Given the presence of bacteria in breast tissue, researchers have started to ask whether changes in bacteria can alter breast cancer risk.
Body dysmorphic disorder and therapy
A recent study looks at whether internet based therapy can help people who suffer symptoms of Body dysmorphic disorder or BDD, this is what they found.
Does hunger promote negative feelings?
A team of scientists in the US have been studying the effects of hunger to determine what is the root cause of the negative moods associated with being hungry.
Caesarean section births may lead to poorer health outcomes
Women have C-sections for many reasons, but babies born vaginally appear to be better off.