6 ideas for a happy and healthy festive season

by | Christmas, Drug and Alcohol, Seasonal Health, Wellness

To help you to continue enjoying Christmas, we’ve put together 6 ideas on staying fit and healthy without missing out on the celebrations.

1. Be mindful of your food and drink

It is easy to overindulge with so much holiday food at our fingertips. While this is a natural holiday reaction a little mindfulness can go a long way. Stop eating or drinking the moment you feel full. Overindulgence can cause bloating and sluggishness. Come January, your health and the bathroom scale will thank you.

2. Breakfast is still king

After all the celebrations of the night before, it can be easy to carry on eating indulgent food when you wake up. However, your best option is a healthy omelet packed with vitamin-filled veggies with high fibre and nutrition. If a cooked breakfast is too much then a good helping of berries and probiotic yoghurt will work wonders on filling you up and cleansing your system.

3. Keep Moving

Quite often our regular exercise regime goes out the window during the holiday season. But it can be easily incorporated into the holidays, you can go out for a walk, have a competitive game of backyard cricket or have a swim. These other fun activities will keep your heart healthy and burn a few extra calories, not to mention the benefits of vitamin D and the fresh outdoor air.

4. Stay Hydrated

Water is the gift of nature and it is a miracle worker when it comes to our health and fitness. Staying hydrated keeps our metabolism moving, helps us shed some of the many kilograms we pile on after Christmas dinner. Staying hydrated helps fight the effects of alcohol and keeps our minds alert and awake. Drinking lots of water helps our body deal with the overindulges of Christmas

5. Enjoy yourself!

The key point for a fun and enjoyable Christmas season is “everything in moderation”. Take the time to enjoy yourself during the holidays and embrace the time you have with friends and family.

6. Make time for exercise

Do a brainstorm with your friends and family (even your family doctor!), about fun and enjoyable activities you can do as a group (or alone if you want) to help you stay active and fit over the Christmas season.

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