Cat and Cow Pose – Eliza Hayward

by | Exercise and Fitness, Healthy Living, Wellness

A gentle flow between inhale and exhale to warm up the spine and increase mobility. Cat and cow pose encourages opening up of the chest, and softly stretches and stimulates the abdominal organs.

Coordinating this movement allows for the breath to become slow and deep. This movement is great for beginners starting yoga. It also promotes postural awareness and balance throughout the body.


​Inhale to cow (inhale as you begin to drop the belly towards the mat, lift the chin and draw shoulders away from ears); exhale to cat (push the floor away as your round your spine and let the chin drop towards the chest).

Contraindications and modifications

  • Wrist problems: you can also do this sequence on your forearms.
  • Knee problems: Fold the mat in half or put a blanket underneath them for support.

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