How Do I Fix A Runny Nose?

by | First Aid and Self-Care, Healthy Living, Seasonal Health

There’s no quick fix to a runny nose, at best you can talk to your doctor to see if you have specific medical reasons, which most people don’t.

You probably don’t want to fix a runny nose too quickly. And it depends on the cause.

If you’ve got perennial rhinitis, if you’ve got seasonal rhinitis and it’s really bothering you then steroid sprays can work but you’ve got to talk to your general practitioner about that. Some people will take the drying drops, like Otrivine or something like that, and put that in to try and unblock the nose and dry it up. They’re not a great idea. And you need to take advice on that because you can get a rebound after two to three days and it ends up worse than it was before.

So there’s no quick fix for a runny nose. Sorry about that.

Dr Norman Swan, Physician and Journalist

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