Dr. Katrin Rowan explains how quickly you can have a pregnancy test after the IVF procedure and the nurses who will help you.
How Many Embryo Do You Implant? Dr. Katrina Rowan
Dr. Katrina Rowan discusses the reasons why only one embryo is implanted at a time.
Should I Make Lifestyle Changes Prior to Starting IVF? Dr. Katrina Rowan
Dr. Katrina Rowan outlines the lifestyle adjustments needed to be made by couples wishing to under go IVF. This is for both before and during IVF and pregnancy.
What Are Some of The Causes of Recurrent Miscarriage? Dr. Katrina Rowan
Dr. Katrina Rowan details some of the causes of miscarriage.
What Does IVF Stand For? Dr. Katrina Rowan
Dr. Katrina Rowan explains the meaning of IVF
What Happens During Embryo Development? Dr. Katrina Rowan
Dr. Katrina Rowan discusses the development and implanting of embryos.
What is Assisted Hatching? Dr. Katrina Rowan
Dr. Katrinaa Rowan explains the steps and reasons behind what is known as “assisted hatching”
What is DNA Fragmentation? Dr. Katrina Rowan
Dr. Katrina Rowan explains what DNA fragmentation is.
What Is Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)? Dr. Katrina Rowan
Dr. Katrina Rowan explains what Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection is.
What is IVF Treatment? Dr. Katrina Rowan
https://vimeo.com/510435679 So IVF treatment is a treatment for infertility where rather than just one egg per month...