9 Reasons not to try nanging

by | Addictions, Drug and Alcohol, Recreational Drugs

girls nanging nitrous oxide

“Nanging” is the inhalation of nitrous oxide (N2O) from the bulbs or cartridges used to whip up cream.

London, UK. 5th August 2014 Used Nitrous Oxide Bulbs, Also know as Laughing Gas, It is used as a recreational drug and is not illegal for over 18’s to purchase and use. Drug Charities are warning against using this legal high as it can be fatal.

9 reasons not to try it are:

1. Just because doctors and dentists use nitrous oxide, doesn’t make it safe for you to use.

2. Nitrous oxide is neurotoxic (causes damages to nerves) at high doses.

3. Inhaling nitrous oxide can cause heart attack.

4. Memory loss is a side-effect of long-term nitrous oxide use.

5. Nanging can lead to a weakened immune system.

6. Just because it’s not illegal to use, doesn’t mean it’s safe.

7. Knowingly or recklessly supplying nitrous oxide is against the law.

8. Nitrous oxide inhalation can cause sudden death.

9. Inhaling large amounts can result in fainting and a sudden drop in blood pressure.

Inhaling nitrous oxide carries risk. There is no safe level of use of any drug. Aside from the short-term side effects, long-term use of nitrous oxide can lead to psychological dependence and cravings when you try to withdraw from using it.

Nitrous oxide does not contain oxygen so breathing N2O alone will result in death from asphyxiation. It can reduce B12 levels, harm immune function and affect DNA production.

If you are concerned about someone’s drug use, or your own drug use, contact the Alcohol and Drug Information Service in your state. If someone has an adverse reaction or overdoses on inhalants such as nitrous oxide, call an ambulance and stay with the person.

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