Preparing for the challenging months ahead: COVID-19 and Flu vaccinations

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The next 6 months are going to be very challenging for practices as you potentially manage administering the COVID-19 vaccine, flu jabs, immunisations, as well as everything in between.

Both the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines need two doses to be effective, with the Pfizer vaccine needing to be given 21 days apart and the AstraZeneca jab ideally 12 weeks apart. Both come in multi dose vials which obviously require extra care to ensure the right dose is delivered and the maximum number of doses is extracted from each vial.

Australians are being advised to wait two weeks between getting the flu shot and COVID-19 vaccine.

This will present challenges for all practices – not only for the 4600 practices involved in the vaccine program.

Is your practice administering the vaccine?

Leading Practice Intelligence Platform Cubiko is developing new features to help its customers with the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. It will help identify existing patients that may be eligible for the vaccine; ensure patients return for the second vaccine; and provide insights into your Nurse to Doctor ratios. To learn more visit HERE

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