Cosmetic Dentistry

by | Procedures, Wellness

cosmetic dentistry
Cosmetic dentistry is easily accessible and your dentist can advise you what is the best solution. There is no need to let bad teeth hinder you enjoying your life with confidence.

There are a lot of things that can impact the way your teeth look. From staining, damage, to crooked teeth. If you are not all that confident with your smile, cosmetic dentistry can help.

Cosmetic dentistry offers a range of options to improve the appearance of your teeth. From whitening, to repairing or replacing them. Let’s take a look at how some of these procedures work. You can use veneers to cover up gaps, chipping or discoloration of your front teeth. Veneers are custom made and fitted to the front of your teeth. You can use crowns for individual teeth that are broken, discoloured, or misshapen.

We first start with the anchor, and then the crown. This is a shell that fits over the tooth. Unfortunately not all of these options are available to everyone. However your dentist is the best person to chat to about that. With the right planning and implementation, it won’t be difficult to get a little confidence back in your smile.

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