Freezing Eggs for Medical Reasons – Dr. Jenny Cook

by | Babies and Pregnancy, MonashIVFJC, Procedures, Sexual Health, Women's Health

Freezing eggs for medical reasons is something that we absolutely, that I absolutely support.

I have a relationship with the Children’s Hospital and with the the hospital nearby in Randwick. If a woman has a diagnosis of cancer, and the most common one would be breast cancer. We can do an egg freezing cycle. It’s certainly been shown that the two weeks that is spent in preparing the body to do egg freezing and this will involve in raising the oestrogen level. It’s not been shown to have a negative impact on the long-term outcome of breast cancer.

Dr. Jenny Cook is a Fertility Specialist who works at the Monash IVF clinic. She has published widely in the area of Gynaecological Laparoscopy and has presented at many national and international meetings. She is recognised for her experience in laparoscopic gynaecological procedures.

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