Video: Does the midlife crisis really exist?

by | Healthy Living

Video transcript

Does the “midlife crisis” really exist? Many people believe that it does.

“I’m having a midlife crisis!” is often used as an excuse for bad behaviour. Studies have found a decrease in life satisfaction during the ages of 45-54. There is however, little evidence to back this up. In actual fact, life tends to get better.

Elliot Jaques developed the term “Midlife Crisis” in 1965. He used it to describe a psychological shift from time past to time left.

A US study found that people aged 41-50 became less self-conscious and that resilience increased. Other studies have found that self-acceptance and empathy increase with age.

Midlife is a normal stage in adult development and shouldn’t be seen as a crisis. It is a time of transition.

It is a time of reflection that can be a bit overwhelming at first. There is often a shift in priorities and values. A shift away from ambition towards those we care about. A midlife transition is nothing to be ashamed of. It should be nurtured and supported.

Enjoy your midlife!

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