Tonic Media Network announces its collaboration with Chef Daniel

by | Autoimmune Conditions, Healthy Eating

Chef Daniel delivers amazing food creations for everyone from the home cook to the aspiring professional. With a strong family background in the food and lifestyle industry, he has had a star-studded career for over a decade, making his knowledge and skill highly sought after.

Chef Daniel aims to make good healthy food accessible to everyone by inspiring us to discover the amazing and varied ingredients Australians are blessed with within our own backyard. Working with local and indigenous ingredients he wants to encourage everyone to try cooking for themselves and unleashing their creativity.

His back to basics videos, which teaches people the ABC of cooking, from how to use a kitchen knife to making simple dishes – are still the most widely viewed and followed videos. His passion for local ingredients includes those who grow our local ingredients, Chef Daniel wants to use his platform to give exposure to farmers and agricultural innovators across the land.

From the banana farmer who used his “rejected bananas” (because they weren’t curved enough for the supermarkets), to develop the now popular banana flour to the aqua farmers in Tasmania who had a find innovative ways to raise organic and healthy wild salmon because bringing in machinery was too expensive and difficult due to the terrain and distance.

Over the years Chef Daniel has worked with a number of at-risk youths. Through his innovative hands-on technique and direct engagement he has inspired many to change the course of their lives and continues to be in touch with many of them.

He strongly believes a good diet is the best medicine for many of today’s diseases. His dedication to working with medical practitioners and food scientists to create the best recipes for medical issues his clients have makes him the perfect fit for Tonic. He has created wonderful recipes for people with diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune disease and cerebral palsy.

We are exceptionally pleased to work with Chef Daniel and look forward to a long, healthy … and delicious journey. You can see Chef Daniel on our screens at your GP, clinic or I-Med facility, or watch his videos right here on the website.

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