What Is The Role of Digital High Magnification? – Dr. Katrina Rowan

by | Babies and Pregnancy, MonashIVFKR, Procedures, Sexual Health, Women's Health

What Is The Role of Digital High Magnification?

Digital high magnification, ICSI’s, role hasn’t been strongly confirmed by good science at the moment, but it is sometimes considered for men that have an abnormal level of DNA damage in their sperm or DNA fragmentation.

It also may be considered for men that have a very, very low number of normal-shaped sperm.

Dr Katrina Rowan is a fertility specialist, reproductive endocrinologist and reproductive surgeon with consulting rooms in the heart of Sydney’s CBD. Katrina prides herself in her ability to guide and educate her patients. With her support, patients feel comfortable and deepen their understanding of their own unique fertility situation.

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