Consumer medicine information


Lignocaine hydrochloride 1% and 2% Solution for injection

Consumer Medicine Information

What is in this leaflet

This leaflet answers some of the common questions people ask about Lignocaine-Claris. It does not contain all the information that is known about Lignocaine-Claris. It does not take the place of talking to your doctor or pharmacist.

All medicines have risks and benefits. Your doctor will have weighed the risks of you taking Ligocaine-Claris against the benefits they expect it will have for you.

This medicine is likely to be used while you are at the clinic or in hospital. If possible, please read this leaflet carefully before this medicine is given to you. In some cases this leaflet may be given to you after the medicine has been used.

If you have any concerns about being given this medicine, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Keep this leaflet. You may need to read it again.

What Lignocaine-Claris is used for

Lignocaine-Claris belongs to two groups of medicines known as local anaesthetics and antiarrhythmic drugs. Local anaesthetics stop pain and feeling in the area around where it is injected; and antiarrhythmic drugs work by restoring irregular and/or rapid heartbeats to normal.

Lignocaine-Claris may be used for the management of other conditions that are not mentioned above. Your doctor will be able to tell you about the specific condition for which you have been prescribed Lignocaine-Claris.

This medicine is available only with a doctor’s prescription

Ligocaine-Claris will not put you to sleep.

Lignocaine-Claris is also used after surgery to relieve pain. It can also be used to make childbirth less painful.

Depending on the amount used, Lignocaine-Claris will either totally stop pain or will cause a partial loss of feeling.

Lignocaine hydrochloride is sometimes combined with adrenaline to make it last longer. Adrenaline makes the blood vessels at the site of injection narrower, which keeps the lignocaine hydrochloride where it is needed for a longer time.

Lignocaine-Claris is not addictive.

Before you are given it

When you must not be given it:

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding do not use Lignocaine-Claris unless your doctor says so. Ask your doctor about the risks and benefits of using this medicine while you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Lignocaine-Claris has been widely used during pregnancy and there have been no reports of any ill effects on the baby. It can be used during childbirth.

Your baby can take in very small amounts of lignocaine from breast milk if you are breastfeeding, but it is unlikely that the amount available to the baby will do any harm.

Lignocaine-Claris will only be used if the solution is clear, the package is undamaged and the use by (expiry) date marked on the pack has not been passed.

Before you are given it

You must tell your doctor if:

  1. you have any allergies to
  • any ingredients listed at the end of this leaflet
  • other local anaesthetics e.g. bupivacaine
  • any other medicine
  • other substances such as foods, preservative or dyes

If you have an allergic reaction, you may get a skin rash, hay fever or an asthma attack.

  1. you have any of these medical conditions
  • problems with your blood pressure or circulation
  • blood poisoning
  • problems with the clotting of your blood
  • nerve problems, e.g. epilepsy
  • heart, liver or kidney problems
  • thyroid problems
  • malignant hyperthermia
  • diabetes
  • skin infections

It may not be safe for you to take Lignocaine-Claris if you have any of these conditions.

Taking other medicines

Tell your doctor if you are taking any other medicines, including

  • ones to control your heart beat e.g. amiodarone
  • ones for blood pressure (antihypertensives e.g. propranolol, metoprolol, atenolol)
  • ones for epilepsy or fits e.g. phenytoin, carbamazepine, primidone, phenobarbitone
  • ones for depression
  • cimetidine
  • warfarin (used to stop blood clots)
  • aspirin, salicylates or other non-steriodal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), medicines to relieve pain and inflammation
  • some anaesthetics
  • Some medicines that relax the skeletal muscles e.g. suxamethonium
  • any medicines that you buy at the chemist, supermarket or health food shop.

These medicines may affect the way Lignocaine-Claris works. Your doctor or pharmacist can tell you what to do if you are taking any of these medicines.

If you have not told your doctor about any of these things, tell them before you are given any Lignocaine-Claris.

How Lignocaine-Claris is given

Lignocaine-Claris is given by injection into the skin, directly into the blood stream or into an organ. It must only be given by a doctor or nurse.

Your doctor will decide what dose and how long you will receive Lignocaine-Claris

If you are given too much (overdose)

This rarely happens as Lignocaine-Claris is administered under the care of a highly trained doctor. However, if you are given too much lignocaine, you may experience some of the effects listed under “Side Effects” below.

Your doctor has information on how to recognise and treat an overdose. Ask your doctor if you have any concerns.

While you are being given Lignocaine-Claris

Things to be careful of

Be careful driving or operating machinery after you have been given Lignocaine-Claris. You may be drowsy or your reflexes may be slow.

Do not drink alcohol while you are being given Lignocaine-Claris. If you drink alcohol while you are being given Lignocaine-Claris, your blood pressure may drop making you feel dizzy and faint.

Side Effects

Tell your doctor, nurse or pharmacist as soon as possible if you do not feel well while you are being given Lignocaine-Claris.

Like other medicines, Lignocaine-Claris can cause some side effects. If they occur, most are likely to be minor or temporary. However, some may be serious and need medical attention.

Ask your doctor or pharmacist to answer any questions that you may have.

Do not be alarmed by this list of possible side effects. You may not experience any of them.

Tell your doctor or nurse if you notice any of the following:

  • weakness, confusion, nervousness, agitation, drowsiness, disorientation or unconsciousness
  • nausea, vomiting, difficulty in swallowing
  • headache, dizziness or light-headedness especially if you get up suddenly from a lying or sitting position
  • ringing in the ears
  • slurred speech, sensations of heat and cold
  • numbness, tremors, twitching
  • slow heartbeat, low blood pressure
  • breathing difficulties
  • blurred or double vision

These are the mild side effects of Lignocaine-Claris.

Serious side effects of Lignocaine-Claris include:

  • fits or convulsions
  • skin rash, hives or itching
  • unconsciousness
  • breathing problems
  • low blood pressure
  • slow heart beat
  • collapse

You may need urgent medical attention if you get these side effects.

After an epidural injection you may develop a headache or backache which is not related to the medicine used. These can, on rare occasions, last for some months after the injection is given.

Other side effects not listed above may also occur in some patients. If you notice any other effects, check with your doctor. Some side effects may only be seen by your doctor.


Lignocaine-Claris will be stored in the pharmacy or on the ward. The injection is kept in a cool dry place, where the temperature stays below 30 °C.

Product Description

Lignocaine-Claris is a clear colourless solution, It is available as:

20 mg/2 mL, glass ampoule, packs of 5, 10 and 25 ampoules AUST R 222074

50 mg/5 mL, glass ampoule, packs of 5, 10 and 25 ampoules AUST R 222077

200 mg/20 mL, glass vial, packs of 1 vial, AUST R 222076

40 mg/2 mL, glass ampoule, packs of 5, 10 and 25 ampoules AUST R 222075

100 mg/5 mL, glass ampoule, packs of 5, 10 and 25 ampoules AUST R 222072

400 mg/20 mL, glass vial, packs of 1 vial, AUST R 222073


Lignocaine-Claris contains lignocaine hydrochloride 1% or 2% as the active ingredient. It also contains sodium chloride and Water for Injections as the excipients. It does not contain a preservative.



Claris Lifesciences (Australia) Pty Ltd
Suite 1, Level 1,
127-133 Burwood Road
NSW 2134

Date of Preparation

13 April 2015

Published by MIMS October 2017