Improving the safety, accessibility and comfort of your home.
Our Home Modification Services
Home modifications are changes to the structure, layout and fittings in a home to improve access and safety.
For people living with disability and older Australians, home modifications can increase independence and help them make the most of their home.
At Therapy Focus, our experienced Home Modifications Coordinators and Project Managers specialise in complex home
modifications. They help people identify the barriers in their home which may be impacting their safety, independence
and participation, and work closely with individuals and families to modify and improve their living spaces.
How we can help
Bathroom Modifications
Level shower access, installation of accessible fittings, slip resistant flooring and redesign of bathroom layouts to accommodate the use of equipment.
Widening of doorways, creation of level living spaces, prescription of appropriate flooring options, landscaping and lifts.
Environmental controls
Heating/cooling, lighting, automated doors, and relocation of electrical points and fittings to enable ease of use.
Standard and customised ramps and rails, ceiling hoists and tracking, stair lifts and climbers.
Kitchen modifications
Height adjustable surfaces that enable wheelchair access, installation of accessible fittings and redesign of kitchen layouts to increase independence.
Our team is highly knowledgeable in relevant legislation and disability specific standards for home modifications.
You’re part of our team
We will consult with you at every stage of the home modification process, including:
- Assessment
- Design
- Preparation of a scope of works
- Liaison with contractors
- Sourcing funding
- Inspection of works
We are committed to working collaboratively with builders and tradespeople to ensure home modifications meet your needs.
We can also provide support for people who are building a new home and want to make the home accessible for older family
members and/or those with disability.
Whether it’s completing everyday tasks, seeing family and friends or just relaxing, the accessibility of your home can have a big affect on your daily life.
Accessing our services
If you’re ready to get started, we’re ready to share every step of your journey. Our services can be accessed through a range
of funding options or can be purchased privately.
We help people understand what causes bladder and bowel health issues, and how they can be treated.
Accessing our services
If you’re ready to get started, we’re ready to share every step of your journey. Our therapy services can be accessed through a range of funding options or can be purchased privately.
For more information visit our website at or call our friendly team on 1300 135 373.