What is incontinence?
Incontinence is the term used to describe accidental or involuntary loss of urine (urinary incontinence) or bowel motion, faeces or wind (faecal or bowel incontinence). Many children and adults living with disability experience incontinence, as well as bladder and bowel health issues, and challenges with toileting.
Bed wetting is the most talked about and well-known form of children’s incontinence, with 1 in 5 children in Australia wetting the bed. Day wetting can also be a source of concern for parents. While most children will have daytime control of their bladder by age four, it can sometimes take longer and support may be required to solve the problem.
How we can help
Our specialist continence team includes physiotherapists, occupational therapists and registered nurses who have extensive experience supporting people with bladder and bowel health issues.
After completing a comprehensive assessments of bladder and bowel function and toileting skills in consultation with parents and caregivers, our therapists develop continence management strategies that support a person’s continence goals.
Our continence management services are tailored to the needs of each individual and can include:
- Toileting program development and support
- Optimal bladder and bowel health strategies
- Management options for incontinence
- Prescription of continence aids (e.g. nappies and pads)
- Provision of resources (e.g. charts and social stories)
- Education and training
- Empower you to find a job or work placement
- Programs to develop independent living skills
- Assistance to find the right place to live
- Short stays to keep you independent and build confidence
Navigating the journey together
We believe every person’s journey should be extraordinary. As specialists in highly individualised therapy, we form part of the circle of support a person needs to achieve their goals and live their best life.
We partner with individuals, families, education staff and other health professionals to provide the best in continence care. Our services can be provided at home, school and in community settings. Or you can choose to visit one of our many offices throughout the Perth metropolitan area and in the South West region. You can also access services online or over the phone via teletherapy.
We help people understand what causes bladder and bowel health issues, and how they can be treated.
Accessing our services
If you’re ready to get started, we’re ready to share every step of your journey. Our therapy services can be accessed through a range of funding options or can be purchased privately.
For more information visit our website at therapyfocus.org.au or call our friendly team on 1300 135 373.