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Silverchain: Our Health and Aged Care Services

From wellbeing as you age, to complex care at any stage.

For more than a century, Silverchain has been trusted by generations of Western Australians to deliver quality health and aged care services at home and in the community.

With a history as pioneers in home care, we continue to set the benchmark for care at home, supported by the latest research and technology.

We deliver care that Australians want today, and are designing the future of care at home, so our clients receive the
best care, every time.

Our aim is to create a better home care system for all Australians.

The next generation of health and aged care

Everyone deserves the right to receive the best care. It’s our goal to provide the care you need, where you need it – at home or in the community.

Working closely with you, your family, carers, and other service providers, we provide complete care so you can maintain the best possible physical and mental health.

We are proudly one of the only Australian home care providers accredited in both the national health and aged care standards. This means that the services we provide to you at home and in the community meet the same government safety and quality standards that you receive in a hospital or aged care facility.

For the last three years, we have won the Most Trusted Home Care Provider Award in WA.

Our comprehensive range of services

We provide services in Perth, regional and remote areas of WA, however our capacity changes from time to time, so please contact us to find out what services are available in your area.

Aged care services

If you have government funding for aged care services, or would like to self-fund a little help at home, we can provide you with support for a short or a long period of time.

Getting out and staying social

  • Social support and companionship: stay connected with family and friends and do the things you enjoy, such as visiting a café or going shopping.
  • Transport: driver services and support to go to your appointments, local shops, or other places of interest.

Services to keep you well

  • Allied health: support to restore, improve, or maintain your independence and wellbeing such as Podiatry, Physiotherapy, and Occupational Therapy.
  • Meals and food preparation: help with your grocery shopping, preparing meals, and making sure you eat well.
  • Nursing support: our skilled nurses can help you monitor, manage, and treat your health conditions such as diabetes and incontinence.
  • Personal care: support with daily tasks like showering, getting dressed, and taking your medications.

Services to keep your home liveable

  • Aids to stay independent: we can supply equipment that keeps you safe and improves your mobility, like walking aids.
  • Changes to your home: support with home modifications that help you to stay safe at home, such as handrails.
  • Domestic assistance: help to keep your home clean and liveable, such as cleaning and laundry
  • Home and garden maintenance: we can keep your home and garden safe so you can live comfortably.

Temporary help

  • Support for family and carers: we can provide respite care for a few hours at a time, so your loved ones can take time to care for themselves.

Health services

With a referral from your General Practitioner (GP), our clinical care team can provide a range of health care services to help you manage your health conditions, support you after a hospital visit or surgery, or care at home to keep you out of
hospital in the comfort of your own home.

Continence care
Metropolitan and regional WA

Incontinence support includes our Continence Management and Advice Service (CMAS). This program helps you manage your condition and access continence products. We also run a Continence Clinic in Geraldton.

Chronic disease services
Metropolitan and regional WA

We can help you understand your condition, look for changes in your health, and manage your care needs. This includes long term conditions like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.

Our services in Perth include:

  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Support Program: support to manage your COPD on an ongoing basis.
  • Oxygen and Respiratory Service: access to equipment and support for Oxygen Therapy at home.
  • Care Plan Support and Coordination Service: support for people living in Wanneroo with mental health and/or drug and alcohol issues.
  • Primary Care at Home (PCAH): connecting vulnerable adults with ongoing health concerns to a GP so they can receive the care they need.

Nursing services
Metropolitan and regional WA

Our nursing team can treat wounds, ulcers, pressure injuries, and skin tears. We can also help you care for
your catheter, and manage your medications. We can provide nursing care in your home, and we also have community clinics.

Country health care services
Regional and remote WA

Our Service Centres provide quality health care across regional WA. Care includes wound care, falls risk assessments, and pressure injury treatment.

We also provide care for chronic conditions, such as diabetes. Our Health Navigator program allows us to provide support virtually to help people with chronic diseases in certain remote areas to self-manage their condition.

Home hospital care

We can provide you with hospital level care from one of our community clinics or in the comfort of your home. Treatments we provide include IV antibiotics and hydration, iron infusions, wound and drain care, and PICC/PORT management.

Our Priority Response Assessment (PRA) service helps people with chronic diseases avoid hospital visits by providing assessments in their home.

Palliative care

Our award-winning Community Specialist Palliative Care service has supported people to manage their symptoms and meet their physical, psychosocial, and spiritual needs for over 40 years. Care is provided by a skilled team of nurses, doctors, social workers, spiritual care workers, care aides, and volunteers.

Our difference

At Silverchain, we are changing the way care is provided and transforming the way it is received. Here’s how we set the benchmark for care at home.

Accessing our services

Our services are designed to meet many health and aged care needs, and are primarily funded by your State or Australian Governments.

Aged care services

If you or your loved one is aged 65 years and over, or are an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander over
50 years, you may be eligible for government funding for aged care services.

This will be through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP), Home Care Package (HCP), or other shorter term funding programs like Short Term Restorative Care (STRC).

To apply for government subsidised aged care funding, visit My Aged Care on myagedcare.gov.au or call 1800 200 422. Alternatively, you can speak to your GP for a referral.

You can also pay for your own aged care services at any age. Contact our team for more information.

Health services

To find out if you are eligible for our health services, you can speak to your GP, hospital clinician, or health professional about a referral. There are different funding options available based on your situation. Our team can discuss these options with you.

Assistance to read this brochure

You can call us on the numbers at the back of this brochure. You can also email us or visit our website for more information.

If you are deaf or find it hard to hear or speak with people who use a phone, the National Relay Service can assist you, including with Auslan. Select your preferred access option at communications.gov.au/accesshub/nrs

To access the Translating and Interpreting Service call 131 450. Ask the operator for the language you speak and ask them to call us for you.

Contact us
Silver Chain Group Ltd
National enquiries: 1300 650 803

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