Our Brochure Boards

Our Brochure Boards display the latest health information for patients, their carers, and their families.

Helping Minds: Do you have someone in your life living with mental ill-health?

Are you supporting a family member or a friend living with mental health challenges?

This can be a difficult and isolating experience. It’s normal to feel a range of emotions and
to have questions around how you can best support the person you care for.

We are here to help.

Who we are

HelpingMinds offers free and confidential support to the family and friends of people living with mental health challenges, across Western Australia. Previously known as ARAFMI, we have been around for more than forty years.

What we do

  • Counselling and support groups for family and friends
  • Early intervention programs for children and young people
  • Assistance and support through the NDIS
  • Mental health programs for schools and the community
  • Helping family and friends to understand their rights and have their voice heard

Counselling for family and friends

When someone close to you changes because of mental ill-health you may feel a mix of emotions, including anger, loss and sadness.

We offer free and confidential counselling to people who are supporting a family member or a friend living with mental health challenges, including:

  • Individual counselling appointments
  • In-school counselling for students aged 8-17
  • Phone counselling for people in regional and remote WA on 1800 811 747

Support groups

Our regular support groups, for family and friends of people living with mental ill-health, provide a safe environment for people to come together and offer each other support, and to share experiences, coping skills and information.

Support groups can bring a sense of empowerment, improve connection and take away some of those feelings of distress, exhaustion and isolation.

Children and young people

HelpingMinds is committed to supporting the mental wellbeing of children and young people.
We offer school holiday programs and after school workshops. We also provide young carer counselling for 8-17 year olds who live in Perth Metro, Carnarvon and Broome and have a family member living with mental health challenges.

Programs for young people who are experiencing emotional and social issues, also known as early intervention, are available in City of Swan, Geraldton, Carnarvon and Broome.


If the family member or friend you support is living with mental ill-health, that is severe and longstanding and has a significant impact on their daily life, they may be eligible for assistance through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

If you live in Perth Metro, Geraldton, Broome, Port Hedland or Darwin, we may be able to assist your loved one with specialised psychosocial support through their NDIS plan. Contact us for more information on how to apply for the NDIS.

Educating schools and community

HelpingMinds offers free and informative programs to help educate students, teachers, parents and the community about mental health.

Our fun and interactive workshops aim to raise awareness about mental health and reduce stigma about mental ill-health.

Workshops include:

  • Raising resilient children
  • Mental health basics
  • Boost your wellbeing
  • Social media and mental health
  • HelpingMinds – who, what, when, where, why

Advocating for your rights

The mental health system in WA is complex and we can help you navigate it, protect your rights and express your own wishes. This is known as advocacy.

Our advocacy team can assist you with:

  • Understanding your rights
  • Having your voice heard when decisions are being made about the person you care for
  • Accessing mental health services
  • Referrals to practical support
  • Information and resources
  • Complaints processes

Am I really a carer?

Carers come in all forms – you may be a wife, husband, son, daughter, parent, friend or even a neighbour who is supporting someone close to you who lives with mental health challenges.

The experience of mental ill-health not only affects the individual but also the people around them.
Each carer experience is different and your role may be ongoing or irregular and may involve practical, emotional or financial support.

Caring for someone who lives with mental ill-health can be a demanding and isolating experience, and it is important to look after your own mental and physical wellbeing.

Get in touch

Phone: (08) 9427 7100
Email: info@helpingminds.org.au
Website: helpingminds.org.au

Where we are

Head Office
182 Lord Street, Perth
Western Australia 6000

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