Our Brochure Boards

Our Brochure Boards display the latest health information for patients, their carers, and their families.

Benevolent Society: Do you provide care and support to a family member or friend?

Carer Gateway is for you.

What is Carer Gateway and who is it for?

Carer Gateway provides free support services and information to people who provide care and support to a family member or friend. It may be because they have disability, a medical condition, mental illness or are frail due to age.

It doesn’t matter if you receive a government payment or not, you can still access Carer Gateway.

After all, every caring situation is different.

Some carers look after another person 24 hours a day and help with daily living, while others support people for a few hours to help with everyday things.

How are services provided?

A range of organisations across Australia provide Carer Gateway services to carers in local communities.

Services are provided in-person, online and via phone.

How do I access services?

By calling 1800 422 737 Monday–Friday 8am–5pm local time, you can talk to the Carer Gateway service provider in your area. They will talk to you about your situation and help you access services that are specific to your needs.

You can access online services and more information on the Carer Gateway website: carergateway.gov.au.

What services are available?

  • Self-guided coaching – undertake online courses at your own pace.
  • In-person coaching – meet one-on-one with a coach in your area.
  • In-person – speak one-on-one or in a group with a counsellor in your local area.
  • Phone counselling – speak with a counsellor over the phone.

If you get sick or hurt unexpectedly and you can’t continue look after the person you care for, emergency respite services can help to take care of them while you get better. Call 1800 422 737 at any time to seek emergency respite.

Meet with people like you who care for a family member or friend. Share stories, knowledge and experiences to learn from and support each other.

  • In-person – join a group of people in your local area who also care for a family member or friend.
  • Online community – join the online chat groups and talk to other people who also care for a family member or friend.

Learn new skills to look after someone as well as yourself. Find out about new ways to deal with stress and legal matters, and improve health and safety. Each course covers a different topic and you can complete them online at your own pace.

You may be able to get free:

  • services or equipment to help with your continued education–for example, tutoring, educational supplies or training courses
  • planned respite, where a service provider steps in to take care of your family member or friend while you take a break
  • cooking and cleaning services
  • assistance with shopping
  • transport, to help you do things like go to medical appointments or do shopping.

Do you provide care and support to a family member or friend with disability, a medical condition, mental illness, or who is frail due to age?
Would it help to have services to support you so that you can continue to be there for the person you care for?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, Carer Gateway can help you.

How do I contact Carer Gateway?

Call Carer Gateway on 1800 422 737 Monday–Friday 8am–5pm to speak with your local service provider about the supports and services available to you. Emergency respite is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week on the same number.
If you need information in a language other than English, call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450.
If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can call the National Relay Service on 133 677.
Online services and more information is available on the Carer Gateway website: carergateway.gov.au

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