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Caring for a family member or friend? – Carers WA

How can Carers WA Help?

Carers WA offers a range of innovative programs and services aimed at providing practical and emotional support.

We can assist in:

Helping carers connect, learn about services and take a break from the caring role through a range of regular
in-person and online support groups in metro and regional locations.

Providing advice, information and resources to link carers to relevant services.

Facilitating informative workshops and courses to assist carers to be job ready and increase their health and wellbeing.

Advocating for improved services and supports for carers by addressing carer issues at a state and federal level and providing training for carers to participate in government committees using their lived experience.

Offering presentations to help raise awareness within the community about the role of carers and the services available to support them and participating in community conferences, expos and events.

Providing support to young carers through community education, needs assessments, resource provision and group activities.

Supporting carers through the provision of a range of supports and services, including those available through Carer Gateway.

For a full list of Carers WA programs and services visit www.carerswa.asn.au

Carer Gateway Services

Carer Gateway is an Australian Government initiative providing a mix of free digital, telephone and in-person supports, services and advice, for family carers in Australia. These services have been specifically designed and tested by carers to help reduce stress and build resilience in the caring role.

Carer Gateways in-person services are being delivered throughout the states and territories by a network of Carer Gateway Service Providers. In Western Australia, Carers WA is leading the delivery of these in-person services, in partnership with HelpingMinds.

To access relevant supports and services, carers must undergo a carer support planning process to assess their needs and develop a targeted action plan, tailored to their specific requirements and circumstances.

Are You a Carer?

A carer is someone who provides unpaid care and support to a family member or friend who is living with a disability,
mental health challenge, long term health condition (including a chronic condition or terminal illness), an alcohol or other
drug dependency, or who is frail aged. For many carers, helping to look after somebody close to them who requires
extra care or support is just a normal part of life – they may be a partner, son, daughter, parent, sibling, friend or neighbour.

People become carers in many different ways and for a variety of reasons. Each circumstance is unique. Some carers may
have sole responsibility for caring, while others share it. Some carers provide 24-hour care to family members with
complex needs, while others may assist with daily activities, such as housework and shopping.

Carers WA help carers in any caring situation.

About Us

Carers WA is a non-profit, community based organisation and registered charity dedicated to improving the lives of family
carers living in Western Australia. Part of the National Network of Carers Associations, Carers WA is the peak body recognised by government as the voice of family carers.

Contact Us

Carers Association of Western Australia
Street Address
182 Lord Street, Perth WA 6000

Postal Address
PO Box 638, Mt Lawley, WA 6929

Carers WA general line
1300 227 377
Carer Gateway services
1800 422 737

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Carers WA has a dedicated Carer Gateway team which can be reached by phone 1800 422 737, Monday to Friday
8.00am – 5.00pm.
For further information about Carer Gateway visit www.carergateway.gov.au

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