Where can I find out about travel restrictions and where is safe?

by | Coronavirus - COVID-19


I don’t want the generalise too much about travel restrictions because it depends on when you watch this video and it will have changed by the time you have seen it, so as I’m talking to you now the restrictions are on Italy, China, South Korea and Iran.

My personal belief is that there should be restrictions on the United States because we do not know the extent of the epidemic in the United States; it’s a real mess there and I wouldn’t be going anywhere near the United States. I’m talking about me personally because it is much worse in the United States as I’m talking to you than people know. And again as I’m talking to you imported cases are already coming into Australia from the United States. United States is a real problem I wouldn’t be going anywhere near.

So I think stay away from international travel unless it’s absolutely necessary and eventually around July, August time things are going to be settling down a little bit, that’s the curve of the epidemic.

Local travel I wouldn’t be too worried and we should be taking local holidays, it’s perfectly fine,  I’m not sure I’d be getting on a plane going to a football match where there is going to be ten thousand people there, but I don’t think there is going to be too many of them at the moment. So prudence, be prudent about travel. Smartraveller has got current advice but watch the newspapers and use your common sense.

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