Covid-19 Restrictions by States

by | Coronavirus - COVID-19, Coronavirus - Vaccinations, Immunity


States governments across Australia have introduced restrictions on gatherings, activities and businesses. This is to help stop the spread of COVID-19, especially the new Delta strain of Covid-19.

Australian Department of Health is encouraging everyone over the age of 16 to get vaccinated as soon as possible. This is because vaccination is our best protection against the virus. So the quicker we enrol the quicker the restrictions will end.

To assist you in complying with these new restrictions and keeping you, your family and staff members safe, we have made it easy for you to navigate restrictions and policies by creating links for each State as well as Federal Government rules.

Understand what the rules are in your State are and state safe. Click on your state below for the latest information.

(Note: rules and advice are constantly changing – check back often)

New South Wales



Northern Territory

Western Australia

South Australia


Canberra ACT

Federal Government of Australia

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