Your 5-Step Mental Health Action Plan for Lockdown

by | Coronavirus - COVID-19, Mental Health

mental health plan for lockdown

Lockdown Tips: How to get through the difficult times

Dr Matthew Cullen, Psychiatrist, St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney

What are the five core things for a mental health action plan during a lockdown? These are as follows:

One, maintain perspective, i.e. the perspective about the risk that is gonna occur to yourself.

Two, maintain social contact with friends, family. This can be via social media, phone, video.

Three, don’t drink too much, don’t use drugs too much, avoid substances.

Four, to the extent that you can, exercise regularly, either going out; or if you can’t go out, do it within your home; or if you’re in quarantine in a hotel, then there are exercises that you can do in your hotel room.

And fifthly and very importantly, eating. Maintain a balanced, healthy diet. Avoid the corona kilos, which, of course, will then make you feel worse, and then lead into a vicious cycle of all of the other issues becoming a bigger challenge.

How to get help

If you need immediate help, call triple zero ‘000’.

Important national numbers for help:

  • Emergency 24/7 – 000
  • 1800 RESPECT 24/7 – 1800 737 732
  • Kids Help Line 24/7 – 1800 551 800
  • Sexual Assault Counselling Aust – 1800 211 028
  • Men’s Line – 1300 789 978
  • Men’s Referral Service 24/7 – 1300 766 491
  • TIS – need an interpreter? – 131 450

Important online help if you are feeling stressed during lockdown

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